- (09) 262 3955
- accurate@keys.co.nz
- 42C Lambie Drive, Manukau City, Auckland 2241
The Slide Arm Series permits smoother opening by way of reducing power as the door opens. Ideally suited for schools, hospitals or doors where children, disabled or the aged may enter.
The Lockwood Rack and Pinion Slide Arm Series provides for a cleaner, more aesthetic appearance on the door whilst utilising the same robust features and benefits of Rack and Pinion functionality.
EN adjustable power 1 to 4
Adjustable back check (BC)
Adjustable hold-open can be set at any angle up to 130° of opening
Suitable for left or right hand doors
Fully formed metal cover
Extruded aluminium body manufactured from high-performance silicon alloy
Rack and pinion mechanism design
Regular and over-door mounting
Adjustable closing and latching speed valves with overload protection
Adjustable delayed acti
Please click here for a customised free quote and one of our team members will get in touch.